7-on-7 Football:
ELIGIBILITY: Any enrolled student in the 8th-12th grades is eligible to participate in appropriate divisions.
DIVISIONS: This event is open to all athletes completing the 8th-12th grades, with 1 year eligibility left.
TEAMS: Teams consist of 10-14 players together with 1-3 adult coaches.
TIME: All games will be 30 minutes in length with a running clock.. There will be a 25-second play clock in effect. In case of injury the clock will stop at the discretion of the Referee, if that occurs the player must leave for at least one play.
FIELD: The playing field will be 40 yards in length, plus a 10 yard end zone.
POSSESSION OF THE BALL: All possessions start at the 40-yard line. No matter where the defense stops the offense, they take over at the 40-yard line.
PLAY: Each team will have 7 players on the field at all times. In the Varsity Division Only, there will be a center, which will be one of the three offensive players on the line of scrimmage. In all other divisions, there will be no center, but rather an extra receiver who will be one of the three offensive players on the line of scrimmage.
Play begins when: The ball is snapped to the quarterback (Varsity Division only) or when the Quarterback slaps the ball (all other divisions). A play in progress at the final whistle is completed. The game cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless the offense declines it.
Play ends when: One hand touch below the neck.
Substitution: Regular substitution rules apply.
No running plays allowed: Everyone (except the center in varsity divisions) is eligible to receive passes.
Passing: The Quarterback has 4 seconds to release the ball or it is blown dead, returning to the line of scrimmage for the next down. There is no rushing the Quarterback or crossing the line of scrimmage, until after a pass is thrown.
Double Pass: Double passing is allowed, but there must be one forward pass across the line of scrimmage within 4 seconds.
Downs: Only one first down per series is possible, achieved when reaching the 20-yard line within 4 downs.
SCORING: Touchdown scores 6 points
1 extra point by passing from the 10 yard line
2 extra points by passing from the 15 yard line
Interception scores 3 points, plus possession at the 40-yard line
Interception returned for Touchdown 6 points
No fumbles, the ball is dead if it touches the ground
PENALTIES: This is a non-contact game and any flagrant contact is cause for immediate ejection. As always, any unsportsman like conduct is also cause for ejection. The Referees decision is final on all plays, there will be no tolerance for arguing, and only a coach may ask for a rule clarification. Coaches control profanity. Coaches are expected to eliminate profanity on their team.
Blocking or Holding 10 yards from line of scrimmage, loss of down, ejection for contact violation.
Illegal Motion 5 yards
Offensive Pass Interference 10 yards from line of scrimmage and loss of down
Delay of Game clock stops, 10 yards from line of scrimmage and loss of down
Tackling or Holding 10 yards from line of scrimmage, loss of down, ejection for contact violation.
Offsides 5 yards from line of scrimmage, loss of down
Pass Interference 10 yards from line of scrimmage, loss of down
Illegal Rushing 10 yards from line of scrimmage, loss of down
Delay of GameClock stops, 10 yards from line of scrimmage
BLOOD RULES: If and when an official observes that a player is bleeding, has an open wound, or has an excessive amount of blood on his or her uniform, the player will be directed to leave the game. The injured player is not to return until the bleeding has stopped, the open wound is covered, and excessively bloody uniform is changed.
PROTEST: Protest must be made verbally with the tournament Official by the offended team at the time of play. A fee of $100 cash (refunded if upheld) must accompany the protest. All decisions of the protest committee shall be final.
OVERTIME: A tiebreaker will occur, with a flip of a coin to determine possession. After a 2-minute break, the teams will each have 4 plays to score from the 20-yard line, until the tie is broken. There is no defensive scoring in overtime.
Help and FAQ
Information on this page is the most recent info about events.
We reserve the right to refuse letting a team participate in any of our events.
In the event that there are not enough teams in a particular division, teams who paid will be refunded their money. We reserve the right to cancel this event for any reason and will only be responsible for reimbursement of tournament entry fee. We WILL NOT be responsible for any other cost associtated with a team getting to an event to include hotels, travel, airfare, etc.
1. Pool play followed by single elimination tournament. Number of pool games will vary depending on the number of teams in each pool.
2. A player may play for only ONE team during tournament play.
3. Girls cannot play on boys teams and boys cannot play on girls teams.
4. Players cannot wear jewelry of any kind during games, even if it is taped and/or covered up.
5. For "Open Events" players cannot switch teams after the first day of the month for the given event.
6. We reserve the right to refuse a team’s entry into our events.
7. Scorekeepers – the home team is responsible for providing the score keeper. This individual will keep the individual score sheet that is provided in your coaches’ packet. The visiting team will provide one person to run/operate the clock for their game. One scorekeeper/clock person (1 total) per team will be allowed into the game free of charge. Please leave score sheets with the gym supervisor after your game.
8. Coaches – TWO (2) coaches per team are allowed into the game free, but more than two may coach.
9. Admission – Each team will be allowed a total of three (3) free admissions into the games (2 coaches and 1 score keeper/clock operator). The gyms are run by clubs and the proceeds from admissions goes back to their clubs
for youth activities. Thursday through Sunday: $8 per day ( $3 students 10yrs old and younger) or $20 Tournament pass for the event. PLEASE INFORM YOUR PARENTS!
10. Teams are required to bring birth certificates in the event of a player protest. If the protest is upheld, THE TEAM will forfeit all games played and be removed from the event.
Rules of play: Current year High School Rules will be played, with the following exceptions.
1. No shot clock.
2. Boys 6th grade and girls 6th -11th grade will use the women’s size basketball (28.5”). Boys 7th - 11th grade will use the men’s size basketball (29.5”).
3. Quarters: (Pool Play) 1st - 4th: 6th – 8th grades: 7 minutes running clock; 9th thru 11th grades: 8 minutes running clock. Single Elimination Tournament: 1st - 4th: 6th – 8th grades: 7 minutes running clock except the last 2 minutes of each quarter (clock stops on all dead balls and free throw attempts); 9th thru 11th grades: 8 minutes running clock except the last 2 minutes of each quarter (clock stops on all dead balls and free throw attempts).
4. Overtime 2 minutes; (clock stops on all dead balls and free throw attempts)..
5. Technical or Intentional fouls – 2 points awarded and ball out of bounds. One technical foul on a coach or fan and he/she is ejected from the gym. One technical on a player, the player sits on the bench for the remainder of the game. Officials and Gym Administrators have the right to eject a fan, player or coach. Coaches and fans must leave the entire gym. Two technical fouls in the tournament on a player or a coach, they are removed completely from the tournament. NO EXCEPTIONS!
6. Forfeit time – Game time plus 5 minutes. Officials MAY run a shortened game (two (2) 20 minute halves). You must start the game with 5 players.
BLOOD RULES: If and when an official observes that a player is bleeding, has an open wound, or has an excessive amount of blood on his or her uniform, the player will be directed to leave the game. The injured player is not to return until the bleeding has stopped, the open wound is covered, and excessively bloody uniform is changed.
PROTEST: Protest must be made verbally with the tournament Official by the offended team at the time of play. A fee of $100 cash (refunded if upheld) must accompany the protest. All decisions of the protest committee shall be final.
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